
Ideas for Bored Kids

How do you cope with kids during the summer? Boys especially seem to be go, go, going all the time! Parents everywhere are getting sick of hearing, "I...

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  905 Hits

How to Avoid Cheating in College

According to ABC News, the University of Central Florida has a huge problem.  Recently 200 seniors cheated on a Business course midterm.  One third of the class cheated, and now they may not be allowed to graduate. One student called it a witch hunt and said, "This is college.  Everyone cheats, everyone cheats in life in general." Students may be tempted to cheat in college.  While they are at home, tell them you are aware of...

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  2343 Hits

Gifted Education and 100% Homeschooled

I was speaking to a mother with struggling learners.  She mentioned how I wouldn't understand because my children are gifted.  I disagree.  It was HARD to have gifted children.  Sleepless nights.  Some tears.  A huge struggle trying to find appropriate curriculum.  I had to find something that would be challenging but not overwhelming, but at the same time it had to be age-appropriate.  It was a huge struggle. Most of my products are geared toward junior...

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  2549 Hits

Homeschooling with LEGO blocks

When my boys were younger we spent our fair share of time with LEGO sets. I cannot believe all of the amazing resources for homeschooling with LEGO blocks that are available now! I would have loved to use these with my boys. I hope you can find something fun and different to do with your younger kids and bigger kids alike! Homeschooling with LEGO resources: LEGO: Free Lego Themed Story Writing Printables How fun are these printable...

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  3474 Hits

Interested in Movie Thor? Study Norse Mythology in Your Homeschool!

Kids love amazing things.  Unreal, incredible things.  Especially in movies, they LOVE superheros.  Spiderman.  The Incredibles. Batman.  And now Thor.The big news:  Kids love these things.The bad news: Hollywood.The good news:  It can encourage reading.If your child is old enough to see Thor, or if they aren't allowed but are interested, I have a suggestion.  Read books about mythology!My children enjoyed reading about mythology.  Of course, it's important to compare mythology to the truth!  But you...

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  2557 Hits

Homeschooling Boys and Guiding Young Men

Are you raising boys or raising men? There is a difference. Strategies that worked perfectly well for your young boys need a bit of tweaking as they e...

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  3025 Hits

Homeschooling Your 18 Year Old Son

Homeschooling Your 18 Year Old Son Lee shares the truth about homeschooling your 18 year old boy in this video. Click below to view!Are you homeschooling your 18 year old son? Please share! Subscribe to my YouTube channel. You will be notified when I create new videos on homeschool high school topics!If you have a teen who is about to graduate, check out the Graduate Your Homeschooler in Style (Online Training) class, just $15!

  2685 Hits

A Common Sense, Easy to Understand Approach to Homeschooling

A Common Sense, Easy to Understand Approach to Homeschooling  Recently, I had the pleasure of holding a webinar with Hal and Melanie Young of Raising Real Men! They are parents of six real boys and two real girls and have been homeschooling for two decades. They said some sweet things about me - check it out!Hal Young spoke about the significance of homeschool independence and flexibility. “This is one of those important things because as homeschoolers, we...

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  2361 Hits

Time to Have "The Talk"

When children are young, we shield them from much of our "rated R" world.  But something happens that changes that.....  Your children grow up.  That's when we realize that we need to shelter young children, but discuss with teens. When your children enter their teen years, it's time to begin having "the talk" about social issues, morality, and integrity.  Allow them to see more of the world, and explain to them what you see in the...

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  2402 Hits

Homeschooling High School: Complicated Answers Take Time

Some questions are easy to answer.When is the PSAT?How do I find a College Fair?Should my freshman take Physics before Biology?But other questions are very big, and very complicated.  Sandi asked a big and complicated question on my blog the other day.Hi Lee. I have 5 kids, 3 remain to be homeschooled. All high school age. My 17 yo has had some issues with seizures since Spring. As a result he has fallen behind somewhat in...

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  2182 Hits

Showing Respect to our Children

A while ago, a segment of one of my newsletters was plagiarized. I consulted my in-house “lawyer in training” – my son Alex.Whenever I think of our discussion that day, it really warms my heart. On one Sunday, in our “Love and Respect” Sunday School class, I think I finally recognized why Alex’s assistance had been so important to me that day. He was defending me – which was showing that he loved me.In the book,...

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  2229 Hits

Nutty Homeschool Parents?

After this year’s National Spelling Bee, someone asked me, “What kind of a crazy parent has their child spell nutty words all day?” The great kind of parent! The kind of parent that allows their child to follow their interests, EVEN when it involves spelling nutty words all day! I have had the privilege of speaking to some parents of magnificently gifted teens. Geography Bee winners, Spelling Bee winners, nationally recognized students with outstanding accomplishments. Each...

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  2711 Hits

Homeschool High School Inspiration: A Graduation Story

One thing that I love about the homeschool community is that most of us love to encourage others with our stories. In this post Joyce, a homeschool mom, shares the story of her two sons so that it will encourage each of you. You CAN homeschool high school! Joyce's Sons: Devin & Michael Wow!  I can’t believe they are graduated!We put our twins, Devin and Michael in the public school system from kindergarten thru 2ndgrade and when...

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  2274 Hits

Nervous about Homeschooling High School?

Not everyone feels confident about homeschooling.  Shannon was nervous when she started, but I'd say it ended up pretty well for her and her son, Aaron.  Read Shannon's story - I know it will encourage you! Hi Lee, I'm responding to your request for high school graduate postings.When I began homeschooling Aaron in kindergarten, I wasn't sure I could teach the basics, let alone all the way through high school.I was nervous about teaching in general....

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Homeschooling High School: Born That Way, Stay That Way, Succeed That Way!

As parents, our job is to take the child we are given, and shape and mold them into the adults they are meant to be. Carol has finished homeschooling her oldest child, and she provides a wonderful example for others. You can't change who your child is, but you can make sure they are happy and successful!My son, CJ is graduating from our homeschool high school this week! Wanting to be an encouragement to other younger...

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  2121 Hits

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