
How to Document Audited Classes on a Homeschool Transcript

When your child takes an audited class at a public or private school, the class technically doesn't earn any credit from the school. You many be askin...

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  950 Hits

Making a Transcript Decades Later is Stressful

Rosie needed to make a homeschool transcript. Her grown son graduated from homeschool many years ago. He completed college and earned an advanced degr...

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  2722 Hits

Unleashing the Fun Factor

It's inevitable that your children will goof off. At some point, you'll be wishing they were doing something productive, like homework or chores, but ...

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  1473 Hits

Formula for Putting Dual Enrollment on a High School Transcript

Dual enrollment can be such a sticking point for homeschool families making a homeschool transcript. Follow the 6 steps below to put dual enrollment o...

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Creating an Official Transcript for Homeschool

When is your official transcript for homeschool really official? When do you add grades? How do you present records to colleges? Update Each Year When...

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How to Include Boy Scouts on a High School Transcript

How to Include Boy Scouts on a High School Transcript

Learn how to put scouting and other fabulous fun on your homeschool transcript and convert natural learning into high school credit with this free ebo...

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  6160 Hits

How to Put Crochet on Your Homeschool Transcript

You know you want to include fabulous fun electives on your homeschool transcript. But how? How do you put crocheting and other delight directed learning on a high school transcript!? You know you want to include fabulous fun electives on your homeschool transcript. But how? How do you put crocheting and other handcrafts on a high school transcript!?Mandi asked, "My daughter has taught herself to crochet and makes bags, headbands, coasters and whatever else pops into...

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  7123 Hits

Transcripts in 45 Minutes!

Shirley Solis had a lot to say about creating transcripts for her son! "Homeschool transcripts can be overwhelming if you don't know what you are doing! I am going to share my experience of how I created my son's transcript in 45 minutes!I have an expert friend who helped me create a transcript for my son. She has been doing this for years and teaches step by step how to gather the information and make this...

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  3045 Hits

Homeschool Transcripts for Unique Children

Homeschool Transcripts for Unique Children Have you ever gone back and looked at your old high school transcript? I looked at mine recently, and it’s a remarkably bland document. It lists the usual student info, the name of each class I took, the teacher’s name, and my grade. It shows my college test scores, the number of days present or absent, and my cumulative GPA. I attended a public high school, but I imagine a private...

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  2405 Hits

Ditch the Stress and Grab the Confidence

Ditch the Stress and Grab the Confidence It was fun to see another review posted on my book on transcripts and course descriptions. I wrote this book to help homeschool parents ditch the stress and grab the confidence to create beautiful, professional homeschool records, and to save big money on the cost of college. Almost all colleges require an official homeschool transcript, made by the homeschool parent. You do need to know how to make one....

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  2431 Hits

3 Transcript Pitfalls to Avoid

3 Transcript Pitfalls to Avoid It’s August already, and as the summer draws to an end, homeschool parents seem to get busier than ever. Summer can be a busy time! While I’m all for taking a break, it’s important to stay up on homeschool record keeping tasks in high school, especially your transcript. In fact, as I consult with homeschool families, I’ve started to notice some transcript pitfalls that are common to many homeschoolers. Keep an...

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  4220 Hits

Putting Public School Classes on Your Homeschool Transcript

When your child has taken homeschool AND public school classes, it's best to create a homeschool transcript that is a summary of ALL educational experiences. As I explain in my book, Setting the Records Straight you want to be the clearing house, so that the sum of all your child's education is in your single homeschool transcript document. Here are 7 steps for putting public school classes on your homeschool transcript: 1. Choose an acronym Create...

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  14698 Hits

Amazing Records! A Model for Others!

Lisa was so excited to take her son to college this fall. I often hear stories of "Shock and Awe" and Lisa has a great one! The college loved her homeschool records so much, they asked to use them as an example for other homeschoolers! Dear Lee,We dropped my son off at NU Wednesday. During the registration process, one of the check in location representatives stopped me and said,"Your documents for your son when applying to...

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  2540 Hits

Co-Op Classes on a Transcript

There are lots of ways to put a co-op class on the transcript. Some parents want to highlight that the class was taken in the co-op.  Other parents don't want the information necessarily to be included, they just want to know how to get it  on there the right way.  So let me describe the two ways to do that. Option 1 You can emphasize the class was taken at a co-op.  That is particularly helpful...

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  4632 Hits

The Real Value of Grades on a Transcript

The Real Value of Grades on a Transcript I always recommend that parents put grades on every class on your homeschool transcript. Either letter grades (A, B, C) or number grades (4.0, 3.5, 3.) will be equally helpful, but grades are important. I do not recommend using Pass or Fail on your transcript.Colleges award scholarships based on the GPA of your child - and the GPA is determined by the grades you provide. Without grades, you...

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  3994 Hits

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