
Discouraging College Admission Policy? Be the Change!

College admission policy can be full to the brim with big words, confusing jargon, and acronyms that we are seemingly supposed to intuitively know. It...

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Who Cares?

We received some big news from the Seattle Public School board. As of March 11, 2020, they are instituting "E" grades again. What is the significance ...

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Internet Addiction and how it Relates to Homeschooling

It used to be that parents were concerned about our children receiving  accidental exposure to pornography, or wasting time with video games. As Internet Addiction becomes a popular topic on the news, I keep thinking about how it relates to homeschoolers. Read these recent articles warning against internet addiction:Technology Companies Want Your Kids Addicted    Internet companies are learning what the tobacco industry has long known -- addiction is good for business. Much of what we do online releases...

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  4478 Hits

Amazing Records! A Model for Others!

Lisa was so excited to take her son to college this fall. I often hear stories of "Shock and Awe" and Lisa has a great one! The college loved her homeschool records so much, they asked to use them as an example for other homeschoolers! Dear Lee,We dropped my son off at NU Wednesday. During the registration process, one of the check in location representatives stopped me and said,"Your documents for your son when applying to...

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Homeschooling High School: Should my child take the PSAT in 9th grade?

A 9th grader *can* take the PSAT, but I almost never recommend it. The PSAT can be taken at a local public or private high school. The PSAT is a VERY cheap test, and if testing is required by state law, it can usually meet that requirement.  However, the PSAT does have Geometry and Algebra 2.  It can be very discouraging for a kid to take a test and not have any chance of getting a...

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  4077 Hits

Three Reasons Why Every Homeschool Student Should Publish An Ebook Before They Graduate High School

Three Reasons Why Every Homeschool Student Should Publish An Ebook Before They Graduate High School Today, not many teenagers have written books. This need not be true. After writing and publishing a book on American history, I think that writing a book is something every homeschool high-school student should do before they graduate.Here are three reasons why:Reason #1- It looks good on your college application. Colleges are looking for something that stands out on applications. Writing...

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  2249 Hits

Homeschool Mom Secret Decoder

 Men and women are gender aliens. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Pink talking and blue talking collide in waves of purplish conversations.How can we possibly cope when the two genders are so different? We just need some help so we can understand one another! Can't we all just get along? We just need to use my husband's top secret  "Homeschool Mom Secret Decoder"  Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy - but...

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You are Not Alone! Homeschool Growth Infographic

Homeschooling is a normal, natural method of education, not some strange or foreign concept. Educating children at home is now a common choice for parents to make. Homeschooling has grown so much since the 70's, and now approximately 3 percent of the school-age population was homeschooled in  2011–12. And since it's growing like crazy, there must be so many more now. So you see? You are NOT alone!This infographic covers a history of home-schooling beginning in...

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  3209 Hits

Reach, Fit, and Safety Simplified

Finding a college is more than watching where your friends and neighbors’ children go to school. Take your sophomore or junior to a college fair and/or search online for the perfect college match for your student. Once you have some possibilities, visit the college in person. Visiting is the only way to see if it’s a perfect match. Try to whittle down the list to a handful of colleges by the end of junior year. When...

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Air Force Academy: Hard Work and High Stats

The Air Force Academy just released the stats for the class of 2017 and if you are thinking about any of the military academies, this information can be useful.Schools provide information on test scores, so you can estimate how likely you are to get in.  Usually they provide a range of scores, that shows you where MOST applicants scored.  Then they show you a single test scores which shows you the most COMMON test score.   This...

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  2732 Hits

Homeschool High School: Driven Crazy by Drivers Ed!

I remember when I was homeschooling high school.  Sometimes I'd get hung up on ONE small issue that would drive me completely BATTY!  I remember wishing for ANYONE to give me one clear, concise, yes-or-no answer.  One issue I seemed to stress about was driver education.  Wendy asked a question I asked myself years ago! Hi Lee,I'm putting together my first transcript and I've seen differing credits (.25/.50)/grades for Drivers Education on samples.  I have to...

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  3878 Hits

Find Freedom in Home Education!

I love celebrating Independence Day on the 4th of July!  It always reminds me of the freedoms we enjoy. I'm thankful we are free to homeschool in the way that is right for our children. Independent homeschoolers can teach each child at their level in every subject all the time, using curriculum that meets their needs and methods that matches their learning style. How awesome is that? Consider homeschooling independently, outside the public school box.  It's great...

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Homeschool High School: Pemberly Ball

I've written in the past about our son's experience with a "Pemberly Ball." If you're wondering what that might be, check out these blog posts! Can't Get Enough Jane Austen?The Down-Side of Literature-Based EducationI Hate Literary Analysis - Part 4Now is a great time of year to start planning events for the winter and spring. If you are considering a “Pemberly Ball” for your own homeschool literary studies, you might be interested in how to find...

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  2909 Hits

Educational Gaps

So much to worry about, and so little time.  If you are worried about gaps in your child's education, though, I suggest you relax a bit.  OF COURSE the will have gaps - we ALL have gaps.   Instead of thinking about how you might compare against a perfect school, remember to deal in reality.  In real life, all schools have gaps, and no educational system is perfect.  Perhaps the only perfect schools are in heaven? ...

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  2650 Hits

Scripture Study on Winners and Losers

Talking with a homeschool group, my friend Kathy shared a scripture study on winning and losing. I think it's wonderful!  It will be a great quick study for summer - no matter how old or young your children are! Be a Good Winner AND a Good LoserBy Kathy Moore EdgrenUsed with permission BE A GOOD WINNER1. Be A Gracious Winner When you win, share the praise! "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;  someone...

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  2405 Hits

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