
Ambassadors for Excellence

In 2008, Lee and I had a wonderful week in Hawaii. We went to "chaperone" Alex so he could chair a session and present his research to the Western Eco...

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The Psychology of Letting Go - A Success Story

Letting go is tough, regardless of what we are letting go of. Our chocolate addiction, our old high school friends, our adult child. None of it is eas...

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Relationship and Purity Studies Book List

Relationship and purity studies are an important health topic for all teenagers. Look at books to decide which is the best fit for your family, and yo...

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Alternatives to College

Not everyone wants to go to college! While college preparation is useful for every student whether or not they attend college, that doesn't mean ...

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Scripture Study on Winners and Losers

Talking with a homeschool group, my friend Kathy shared a scripture study on winning and losing. I think it's wonderful!  It will be a great quick study for summer - no matter how old or young your children are! Be a Good Winner AND a Good LoserBy Kathy Moore EdgrenUsed with permission BE A GOOD WINNER1. Be A Gracious Winner When you win, share the praise! "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;  someone...

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Scripture Study for Today with Your Teens

Scripture Study for Today with Your Teens It's a confusing time. Today is a great day to spend time in the Word with your kids.What do we know?"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."Romans 8:28It's all gonna be ok.What do we say?"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to...

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How Do I Deal With Teenage Rebellion?

The words "teenage" and "rebellion" may seem like they go hand in hand, but it hasn't always been that way. In the past, getting older meant a child was becoming an adult. Ask yourself a question about any behavior that you have been calling "rebellion." Is this behavior simply your child becoming an adult? Sometimes what we label as rebellion may simply be our child making decisions for themselves. How do I Deal with Teenage Rebellion? One thing that may...

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  2821 Hits

Great Activities for Teens

The best part of homeschooling high school is engaging in fun and meaningful activities beyond academics. When not confined to a public school desk for many hours each day, children have time to discover and explore their passion! High school activities are important, not only for the joy the experiences create, but also the impression they will leave with colleges and future employers.Your list of high school activities becomes part of a comprehensive college application package,...

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  2485 Hits

The Best High School Guidance Counselor

You are the best high school guidance counselor for your child!  This article illustrates one way that you are better than a school counselor For the College-Bound, Smart Ways to Borrow."Families should recognize that higher education is a business, backed by Madison Avenue-scale marketing, and the advice they receive is likely to be biased. High school counselors encourage students to apply to "name" colleges to boost the high school's reputation, says Bissonnette. College financial aid officers...

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Homeschooling Teens: Summer is Coming! Time to Work!

I was doing a Bible Study on Work.  I remembered all those summers with my high school boys.  It's so important to teach a strong work ethic!  Perhaps  it's a good time to take a moment with your teens and reflect on these verses.  These could be great for memory work and discussion topics before summer. God created man to work (Genesis 2:15).The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden...

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What about it? Socialization in the news.

It was a bad day for local schools in my newspaper the other day.  In the Thursday paper I read these stories: Highline student charged with violent rape attempt By Levi Pulkkinen, Seattle PI.  A Highline High School student accused of attacking a teen girl with a brick has been charged with attempted rape.Des Moines teens could face pornography charges by The Associated Press Public school teens at a party shared cell phone video of classmates,...

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  2439 Hits

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