The HomeScholar Freebies

Homeschool parents love freebies! Sadly, there are very few homeschool freebies available for parents of middle schoolers and high schoolers.

You're in luck! On this page, you have hit the motherlode of homeschool high school freebies! Below are great free resources - from ebooks, and reports to full-length training courses.

For new homeschoolers, you will learn why homeschooling works and keys to success, and you will get help starting on the right foot. For experienced homeschoolers or those with older teens, there is help with scholarships, and the college and career launch. For all homeschoolers, there is help building your homeschool transcripts and records, as well as preparing for standardized testing, plus much more!

Download what you need and check back often because we update this page often. Enjoy!

Free Homeschool Training

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Free Homeschool Helps

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Happy Customers

Christy in Texas

I am so so so thankful to God for you. I spent the morning becoming confused and in despair over math and science next year. I was reading a homeschool forum trying to decide what to do for science... Read More

Niki in Washington
Niki in Washington

"I met with Lee about 11 years ago. We were preparing to do a year of world travel with our 3 kids and I wanted guidance about homeschooling on the trip as well as how to plan ahead for our return... Read More

Stephanie in Ohio

I thought I would have to convince my husband that we wanted to spend this amount, but he is fully convinced that your materials are an investment in my daughter's education.

That, my friend, is... Read More

Sharon in Connecticut
Sharon in Connecticut

Lee, you are THE BEST homeschool encourager!!!! You are a tremendous blessing to homeschoolers and I am telling my friends to check out your site and your terrific resources---I wish I told some of... Read More

Tricia in Maryland

Our daughter had chronic Lyme Disease. I was stressed wondering how we were going to get her through High School. Then I found you! With your ebooks, emails and blog I was able to create a high... Read More

Amy in Washington

You guys on the support staff are really fantastic, I have never had better customer service. It is a rarity in this day and age sometimes.

Linda in Washington

Your latest newsletter is very inspiring. I liked the curriculum article and the straightforward tips on how to sort through all the various choices available. Your husband's articles are excellent;... Read More

Linda from Ohio

"I have attended all the workshops, and purchased several programs. I have enjoyed listening to all your advice, always given with humor and compassion. I was terribly frightened to begin... Read More

Claudia in Kansas

I am done with my homeschooling journey and I still have lots of moms coming to me for advice and I always send them to you for transcript advice. I just want to tell you your email couldn’t be... Read More

Kelly and her son, Cole
Kelly and her son, Cole

The support and information The HomeScholar provided helped me confidently perform that task, and now my son has been accepted into the college of his choice! Believe it or not, his smile was even... Read More

Janel in North Dakota
Janel in North Dakota

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions at the conference. I’ve been praying for an answer to my unique needs in homeschooling my oldest son. I believe God answered my prayers by... Read More

Cathy in AZ

You are my all time favorite convention speaker. I attended the conference in Phoenix. You were talking high school track. I was on the fence regarding continuing through high school. Your talk gave... Read More

Stephanie Fenton

I began by reading a few of Lee's articles and signing up for a free webinar -- all of which blew me away. Suddenly, the idea of homeschooling high school seemed a little bit less daunting and... Read More

Jennifer in the Midwest
Jennifer in the Midwest

I needed to email you because... MY SON WON THE FULL-TUITION SCHOLARSHIP AT THE SCHOLARS DAY COMPETITION!!! They only gave out one, and he got it! They told him his interview clinched the deal, and I... Read More

Stacie in Utah

Thank you so, so much for all that you are doing. I have needed support like you offer for a number of years now. It has felt like we've been going on to the end all alone. Now I feel supported. I am... Read More

Robin Halverson

Hello Lee,
I recently attended your webinar, "12 Keys to High School Success" free workshop. I just wanted to compliment you on your presentation. It was very helpful and encouraging. And I think it... Read More

Kathy (Workshop Feedback)

Lee is extremely professional and relevant to homeschooling. All her tips and recommendations are clearly explained and ideas I wouldn't have considered. The voice of experience (successful... Read More

Angela in South Carolina
Angela in South Carolina

I have purchased all Lee’s solutions and am a Gold Care Club member. I am so appreciative of the quality and caliber of the recommendations from the HomeScholar! I recommend Lee Binz and The... Read More

Tracy in South Carolina
Tracy in South Carolina

As I unpacked my office after moving into our newly-built home, I felt overwhelmed at the number of boxes and totes filled with seven years of our homeschool records. I knew that there had to be a... Read More

Katherine in CA

Thank you for all your help! I did use your services many years ago when my oldest son (now 23) started high school. I have now graduated two and next year I will have a senior and freshman of my own... Read More

Nicole in Michigan
Nicole in Michigan

This 12 Keys workshop has been SPOT on for me as my daughter transitions from elementary into middle school- really just her development and not the "school. My role is changing and it feels VERY... Read More

Gena in Arizona

I want you to know how much your work has meant to me. I attended your workshop at the AZ homeschool convention a few years ago and loved it. Much of your advice has rung in my ears many times over... Read More

Mindi in Iowa

I followed the principles that you teach and our son has received selection to the Air Force Academy! He also received full scholarships for his second and third choice. Thank you for your passion... Read More

Robin in California
Robin in California

I love Lee Binz!!!! So full of valuable information, support and inspiration! The Gold Club was very worthwhile! I appreciated the opportunity to have those weekly phone calls with her when I had... Read More

Tracy in North Carolina
Tracy in North Carolina

Dear Lee,

I attended the North Carolina Homeschool Conference several years ago when you were speaking. My daughter was just beginning High School and I felt lost. You were wonderful! I left... Read More

Leslie in Indiana

Lee!!!!!! You don't even realize what a blessing your blog post was to me today... SERIOUSLY! I was actually talking to the Lord about this yesterday; then you post this! Amazing! Thank you so much!... Read More

Tressa in Washington
Tressa in Washington

I found Lee Binz while searching the internet. My husband and I set up an appointment with Lee.  Talk about hand holding! It was just what I needed. She answered all my questions about SAT, ACT,... Read More

Jan in Montana

I listened to the webinar the other day while working in the kitchen, and I was so encouraged!  I am currently homeschooling the last four of our twelve kids, and have seen "real time" how well our... Read More

Sandie in Michigan

I watched Lee's 1 hour Grades, Credits and Transcripts Webinar. While  watching it, all of my fears melted away and I was reminded of why we started homeschooling in the first place! It was the joy... Read More

Amy in NY

Speaking of college applications, I consulted so many terrific websites during the year leading up to application time but special mention goes to Lee Binz for the... Read More

Ann in Connecticut
Ann in Connecticut

I just wanted to say 'thank you SO much' once again for all your help and input. I don't know if this adequately expresses how appreciated your wise counsel is and what a help it's been to me. I... Read More

The K Family

Thank you for the wealth of information you provide on your website. I was reading your article on record keeping. I am one of those "What??!!! I didn't know I had to keep records!" people. I really... Read More

Stephanie in Pennsylvania
Stephanie in Pennsylvania

I seriously thank you both as you have made all the difference for our son. I was prepared to send him away next year for high school because I had lost hope, was so scared and my vision had become... Read More

Tamie in Washington
Tamie in Washington

I started reading your books and attending your classes when my son entered ninth grade. How did you know us so well when we had never met? As a Gold Care member, I couldn’t wait for Wednesday to... Read More

Kathleen in North Carolina
Kathleen in North Carolina

Hi Lee,

Thank you so much for all the help you have given me over the past years. I really appreciate you and your advice. On Saturday, I graduated my youngest child who will be heading off to... Read More

Amanda in Florida

Thank you so much for sharing your personal journey, expertise, and encouragement! Our family knows that homeschooling is exactly where God wants us, but sometimes, while it seems we're trudging... Read More

Christy in Arkansas
Christy in Arkansas

I want to thank you SO much for ALL you do (and have done) for my family! Your constant words of encouragement, love for homeschooling parents and homeschooled teens, and your vast wealth of... Read More

Jenny in California
Jenny in California

My name is Jenny. I am an independent homeschool mom of 4. I graduated the first through a charter his last two years of high school. After I found several resources, I decided I was not going to... Read More

Lisa in Alabama

Your webinar has certainly bailed me out! This is for my son who was not interested in any more schooling and then suddenly changed his mind after graduation. I had started to buy your program, but... Read More

Judy in Ohio

Lee, Thank you so much for this excellent course! I have been homeschooling for about 25 years and am always interested in learning something fresh and new. Thank you for being such a great guidance... Read More

Lori in New Hampshire
Lori in New Hampshire

Thank you so much for the wealth of information that you share! You have given me the knowledge and courage to do more than I ever felt possible, especially the ability to maneuver the high school... Read More

Gina in Arizona

I want you to know how much your work has meant to me. I attended your workshop at the AZ homeschool convention a few years ago and loved it. Much of your advice has rung in my ears many times over... Read More

Johanna in Pennsylvania

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the great webinar yesterday. It was a great blessing to me. I was feeling a bit intimidated by high school and was planning to find a diploma... Read More

Jean in North Carolina
Jean in North Carolina

I ran across a story in an article that referenced how much Lee Binz had helped the author with homeschooling high school, so I decided to give her a call. She had a special “Gold Club”... Read More

Deann in Texas

Your presentation was FABULOUS and fills a GAPING need in the homeschooling community. You teach people how to take their unique homeschooling experience and translate it into a college-prep program.... Read More

Danika from Thinking Kids Press
Danika from Thinking Kids Press

Lee Binz's wonderful resources helped me homeschool my boys through high school. Every college and scholarship they applied to accepted the transcripts and course descriptions that her books helped... Read More

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