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Three Reasons Why Every Homeschool Student Should Publish An Ebook Before They Graduate High School

Three Reasons Why Every Homeschool Student Should Publish An Ebook Before They Graduate High School

Today, not many teenagers have written books. This need not be true. After writing and publishing a book on American history, I think that writing a book is something every homeschool high-school student should do before they graduate.

BookCover 3D

Here are three reasons why:

Reason #1- It looks good on your college application. Colleges are looking for something that stands out on applications. Writing and publishing a book certainly does just that. Like listing previous experiences and positions is helpful in a job resume, colleges are looking for a studentʼs academic achievements and responsibility. By writing and publishing an ebook, a student is effectively saying “I am willing to go above and beyond expectations”.

Reason #2 - It can be used for your high school transcript. One of the great benefits of homeschooling in high school is the flexibility you have with your high school transcript. Writing an ebook certainly deserves high school credit. For me, creating my ebook was a year-long project. Now it is on my high school transcript as my Composition credits during my sophomore year.

Reason #3 - It is a great educational experience. Writing an ebook doesnʼt just teach students how to write books, but it also provides them with invaluable business knowledge and experience. While I wrote and published my ebook I learned about marketing, sales, time management, communication and I learned some valuable life lessons, such as patience. Writing a book is certainly a learning experience, in more ways than one.

Although it may sound daunting, following these simple steps, any student can publish their own ebook.
1. Find a subject that they are passionate about.
2. Get organized. Write a detailed outline.
3. Set a goal to finish the rough draft by a certain date. This includes goals for finishing
chapters, characters, etc.
4. Find an editor to review your manuscript.
5. If your ebook includes pictures, make sure they are able to be used without
6. The final step is to format your book appropriately for digital devices.
7. PUBLISH! Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook are great places to start.

Ultimately, writing an ebook is an accomplishment that will certainly crown your studentʼs high school years, propel your student towards their future and teach them important lessons to be used in future experiences.

Bonus Reason #4 - Your student will have a blast creating their personal masterpiece.
jace"Jace Bower is a home-schooled student from North Carolina. He has a strong interest in history and has had it since early childhood. In July 2013, Jace published his first ebook, "The High Point History Series: American History 1754-1860" in the Amazon Kindle store. He hopes to publish his expanded print edition, “The High Point History Series: American History 1754-1945” in early December, 2013. As a born again Christian Jace believes that it is important to teach history in a way that gives all the glory to God. He regularly updates his blog with short history articles at"
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Comments 1

Guest - Kris on Wednesday, 11 December 2013 23:44

Love to hear advice from grown homeschoolers! Great tip!

My husband has always wanted to write a book about his colorful upbringing, but has never gotten around to it. I bought Write Your Roots by Carole Thaxton/Konos for our son's Comp lesson. Instead of writing & publishing a book about our family like Carole suggests, our son has turned it into a book about my husband. He tells stories every week and then our son does the editing, etc. I am very excited to see the end result!

Thanks for the article which helps validate we're on the right path!

Love to hear advice from grown homeschoolers! Great tip! My husband has always wanted to write a book about his colorful upbringing, but has never gotten around to it. I bought Write Your Roots by Carole Thaxton/Konos for our son's Comp lesson. Instead of writing & publishing a book about our family like Carole suggests, our son has turned it into a book about my husband. He tells stories every week and then our son does the editing, etc. I am very excited to see the end result! Thanks for the article which helps validate we're on the right path!
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