'' Homeschool Advice for How to Keep High School Records '' ''


Evaluating Classes and Estimating Grades

Unless you're one of those super-conscientious homeschool parents who keep all your homeschool records up to date, you probably need to spend a little...

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  490 Hits

Applying to California Colleges

California colleges can seem a little "unfriendly" towards homeschoolers at times, but it really is possible to attend these colleges as an independen...

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  765 Hits

Capturing CLEP® Credits on a Homeschool Transcript

A CLEP® exam is a college level test that measures college level knowledge in a specific subject area. If a child takes and passes a CLEP® test in ANY...

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  481 Hits

Driven Crazy by Homeschool Drivers Ed

If you're a homeschool family and have a teen in the house, I'm certain that you've probably had the dreaded discussion ... "When can I learn to drive...

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  7947 Hits

Get Organized! - Record Keeping for Butterfingers

Are your homeschool records slipping away from you? When it comes to high school record keeping, I have noticed that there are four kinds of homeschoo...

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  1390 Hits

Formula for Putting Dual Enrollment on a High School Transcript

Dual enrollment can be such a sticking point for homeschool families making a homeschool transcript. Follow the 6 steps below to put dual enrollment o...

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  18327 Hits

Course Description Catalog to Copy and Paste

Course descriptions for high school classes can cause anxiety - even panic! There is a great copy and paste solution for real homeschool families. You...

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  2179 Hits

15 Reasons to Make a Homeschool Transcript

A homeschool transcript is part of your child's educational background that you will have to provide when you help them go through the college admissi...

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  7097 Hits

6 Ways to Save Homeschool Records Forever

6 Ways to Save Homeschool Records Forever You don't have to save your curriculum forever, and you don't have to save all your child's daily work or no...

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  7769 Hits

Transcripts and Course Descriptions for Music Students

Some teens love music and spend a ton of time with their delight directed learning. Music students should have their work put on a homeschool transcri...

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  5576 Hits

Subject Line - SUCCESS STORY!

What a blessing to read about good news! Cynthia wrote to tell me about her marvelous success story! They were able to get their child the college admission and scholarships of her dreams! Cynthia's Success Story!  Hi Lee -I am writing to say thank you and to share our success story with you.Our eldest (of three) children was just accepted early decision into Lafayette College in Easton, PA! Your resources were invaluable in helping me wade...

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  2267 Hits

Record Keeping Round Up: Transcripts - Course Descriptions - Samples

Record Keeping Round Up: Transcripts - Course Descriptions - Samples

Record Keeping Round UpA collection of the best resources available to homeschoolers with high school record keeping, transcripts, and course descript...

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  6723 Hits

How to Put Crochet on Your Homeschool Transcript

You know you want to include fabulous fun electives on your homeschool transcript. But how? How do you put crocheting and other delight directed learning on a high school transcript!? You know you want to include fabulous fun electives on your homeschool transcript. But how? How do you put crocheting and other handcrafts on a high school transcript!?Mandi asked, "My daughter has taught herself to crochet and makes bags, headbands, coasters and whatever else pops into...

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  6727 Hits

How to Submit Your Comprehensive Homeschool Records

After all the blood, sweat, and tears of creating comprehensive homeschool records, and carefully documenting course descriptions, you have to submit ...

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  5552 Hits

The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

If you regularly use words like field-tripping and work-shopping, this tip is for you! Bonnie writes about how her final sacrificial culmination of ho...

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  2881 Hits

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