
I'm Not Afraid to Teach High School Geology!

High school geology and earth science: learn about the rock types, different layers of the atmosphere, throw in some volcanoes and earthquakes…I think...

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Mastery vs. Perfection in Math

I receive many questions from homeschoolers about math. Math is one of those things that everyone worries about at some stage or other. It can feel so...

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Homeschooling with 4-H

I love hearing about families involved in 4-H! As a rule of thumb, ALL 4-H activities are educational in nature, like Scouting is almost always educat...

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How Do You Teach the Creation-Evolution Debate?

Do not shy away from the creation-evolution debate. While not critical to teach to younger children, high school students need to have some understanding on both sides of the debate.  Although we didn't shy away from the debate in our homeschool, I wish I had covered the topic even more. Students need to become informed so they can provide reasoned arguments  for their beliefs. Without understanding the issues, they can't reasonably form their own belief system. They need...

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Does Writing for Science Have a Voice?

Does Writing for Science Have a Voice?

Does Writing for Science Have a Voice? I got a question on Facebook about science writing the other day and I wanted to share it with you in case you have the same question. Lee, I've been getting mixed answers and am hoping you can join in. Should high school science papers be written in active or passive voice? Thanks! Here's the short answer - high school science papers aren't necessary! Having said that, "lab reports"...

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Is Apologia Science Rigorous Enough for the College-Bound?

Are Apologia science textbooks rigorous enough for college-bound students?  Sure, they are popular with homeschoolers, but how GOOD are they as science books? Are Apologia science textbooks fairly rigorous, for college-bound students?  I've heard a few conflicting reports...~Jill in SeattleApologia is a very rigorous college prep series.  I don't usually recommend specific curriculum, because I know it's all about "fit" more than a textbook.  When it comes to science, though, I had such success with the...

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  11253 Hits

Simple Science for Homeschooling High School

"Houston, we have a problem!" Homeschool parents often approach teaching high school science as if being asked to build the space shuttle. But teachin...

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  2638 Hits

Is Saxon Math Good for Teaching Geometry?

I am often asked about a particular homeschool curriculum. Sandy had a great question about Saxon geometry...Lee,We recently watched your Preparing to Homeschool High School videos in our homeschool group. They were great! I have a question about Saxon Math. My 10th grader is taking Advanced Math and has already completed Algebra 1 and 2. Do you have an opinion about Saxon and the way geometry is included? Would you suggest another route? My eighth grader...

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9 Ways to Get Homeschool High School Math Done

When you get into the upper grades for math, it can seem to take FOREVER to get a math lesson done. In fact, sometimes it's so overwhelming it's even ...

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Frustrated with High School Math?

Let's talk about frustration with high school math. As a home educator, you have the power to make things better. You can decide on the methods a...

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Botany for High School Credit

Colleges want to see three sciences and at least one science lab, but you still have a lot of freedom within those requirements.My daughter has expressed interest in studying Botany for this year (she's a freshman) instead of studying a traditional Biology course.  I have found a great course for her as well as additional supplemental materials.  I want to make sure before I purchase the materials that our course will be accepted by colleges/universities as...

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Top 6 Tips for High School Math

Do you get cold sweats just thinking about teaching your teen high school math? Did your last exposure to trigonometry leave you covered in hives? If ...

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LEGO and Engineering

It would be lovely if every child wanted to specialize in something reasonable.  Something that made money, provided income, or was valuable for family harmony.  Sadly, most teenagers are still children, at least some of the time, and they may want to specialize in the most unusual things!  Instead of worrying, try to translate their interests into something reasonable.  In other words, if they DID specialize in that one seemingly - bizarre thing, what would that...

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Judgement Free Math Tips

Judgement Free Math Tips

This is totally a no judgment zone! Let's talk about homeschool math without making you cry. My article High School Math without the Moaning ...

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Math is Important!

The engineering community is very concerned about math. The statistics paint a grim picture. Math is Important! 1. Jobs requiring math are increasing at four times the rate of overall job growth2. American children rank 13th in the world when it comes to basic math skills3. Less than 1/3 of American 8th graders are at least proficient in math4. 93% of American 6th to 8th graders realize they need math skills later in life, but few directly...

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  2577 Hits

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