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We Got a Scholarship!

Here is the thing about February and March.  It's the months when homeschooling is the most difficult.  The doldrums set in, and life seems more tedious.

But for me, early spring is my FAVORITE time of year!  That's when all my seniors start hearing about admission and scholarships!  Although deadlines for admission are often much later in the spring, the early bird gets the worm!  Those who applied earlier in the fall are now reaping the rewards. Almost daily now I'm hearing from VERY happy campers about admission and scholarships.  I can't guarantee anything of course, but I can say that if you pay attention to the process, you have a MUCH better chance of success. Read Stacie's wonderful note!

Oh, my, you are wonderful.  I wanted to take a few moments before running out the door today to let you know the good news.

Our son Christopher was awarded an Exemplary Merit Scholarship today from our local university.  It will pay for 8 semesters of tuition over the next four years.

Three years ago I learned about you.  After a bit of looking around on your website I ordered the Convention at Home Kit while holding my breath.  Later I met with you for a one-on-one about this son, how set up a plan for the high school years, and how to do the transcript.  As a final rung to my list of purchases from you I add "The Total Transcript Solution".  Each time I ordered something from you I just prayed that it would be helpful because money is tight. My hubby dear kept telling me it would all be good. Well, today it all paid off in a big way.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I love you, Lee Binz.  Thank you for sharing your talents with the rest of the homeschool moms out here.  You were right -- Colleges and Universities will pay attention to us if we just learn to speak their language.

Happy days to you and yours,
Stacie in Utah

Thank you, Stacie!  I really appreciate the positive feedback - it really makes my job worth it!

Learn the SECRET to getting your student placed at the TOP of the stack for college admission consideration as well as one of those MASSIVE university scholarships.  Get the Comprehensive Record Solution!
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Comments 1

Guest - Tia (website) on Thursday, 24 February 2011 11:35

Hi Lee,

That's excellent. The truth at least for me is that most of the home-schooled students I know are incredibly smart and hard working, so the scholarships as well-deserved!

Hi Lee, That's excellent. The truth at least for me is that most of the home-schooled students I know are incredibly smart and hard working, so the scholarships as well-deserved!
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