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Transcripts in Process

Have you ever changed your mind?  What happens when you change your mind about a transcript?  Nothing bad, actually!

If you change your mind about grades, you can change your transcript.  You are the teacher and principal and administrator, right?  And sometimes we get more information that can change how we assess a grade.

You can consider your classes and transcript "in process" until the point you submit it to colleges.  Once you have submitted it to a college, it's hard to change it without having a conversation with them - AWKWARD!  It's also difficult to keep things straight if you submit different transcripts to different colleges - NOT recommended.    But up until the point of sending your transcript to college, you can keep changing and modifying and editing to your heart's content.  I know that my transcript changed over time.  Class titles, grades, and other details changed from freshman to senior year.

Changing grades is fine and easy to do - as long as you haven't already submitted the transcript to colleges.  If you sent it other places (for private scholarships or insurance or whatever) that's not a problem.

Learn how to translate all those great homeschool high school classes into the words and numbers that colleges will understand.  Get the Total Transcript Solution
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Too Many Credits
College visits are like job interviews

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Comments 2

Guest - Lee (website) on Thursday, 20 October 2011 01:18

Hi Kristine!
Go, team, go! You can do it! Write it as a rough draft first. You can edit the class titles, grades, credits, etc., after you get something on paper.

Hi Kristine! Go, team, go! You can do it! Write it as a rough draft first. You can edit the class titles, grades, credits, etc., after you get something on paper. Blessings, Lee
Guest - Kristine on Wednesday, 19 October 2011 23:55

Perfect encouragement, as I'm facing this right now. Although my daughter is in 11th grade, I just have scraps of paper with courses/grades. She needs a transcript NOW to apply for a summer program. My biggest concern is that I write something that does not have to be set in stone. Your column today is one more encouragement I've received! Thanks Lee!

Perfect encouragement, as I'm facing this right now. Although my daughter is in 11th grade, I just have scraps of paper with courses/grades. She needs a transcript NOW to apply for a summer program. My biggest concern is that I write something that does not have to be set in stone. Your column today is one more encouragement I've received! Thanks Lee!
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