Prevent the Zombie Apocalypse in Your Home! How to Create Safe and Sane Technology Boundaries!
Are you scared at the thought of what’s lurking online? Is your child becoming a zombie in front of any screen? During this spooky time, prevent the Zombie Apocalypse in your home by setting critical technology boundaries!
TechnoLogic: Critical Technology Boundaries for Children and Teens Webinar Series
It’s a new world! Parenting has always been challenging, but these days the hardest parts of parenting involve electronic gadgets or technology. Do you need help figuring out how to survive the zombie apocalypse? Check out my three-part webinar series to learn how to set technology boundaries for healthy and happy teens.
Part 1: Learn the causes of the zombie apocalypse.
Enjoy special guest Todd Wilson of Familyman Ministries, author of Taming the Techno-Beast. Learn reasons for setting technology boundaries and ways to create wholesome technology boundaries.
"These are topics that unfortunately are much needed topics in today's world. It takes courage to address these issues. Thank you for the balance of honesty and sensitivity with which you addressed them. Thank you for taking on these topics and doing such a great job with them!" ~Cyndie
Part 2: Learn about technology in education.
Enjoy hearing guest speaker Cris Rowan, founder of Zone'In Inc., Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Child Development Expert, and author of "Virtual Child: The Terrifying Truth About What Technology is Doing to Children." You will learn all about concerns with incorporating technology in education, balanced technology management, how to successfully unplug. PLUS get great printable handouts to help set boundaries with your kids.
"Your candidness ministered to me as a mom and teacher of my children." ~Connie
"Thank you for addressing something that is so clearly a problem but quite ignored since parents are sometimes more guilty than the child.” ~Katherine
Part 3: Learn the darker side of technology addiction and how to treat it.
Explore long-term consequences of excessive technology use and symptoms of serious technology abuse. Get self-help tips to break addiction along with real family examples of setting successful technology boundaries.
"I say Amen to all of this. I've have had to experience all of the negatives here, because I was too naive for my own good. There's good in being naive, and then there is stupidity, especially when it comes to protecting your children from porn. Please do heed the warnings here. If I had only known, I would have been more responsible about parenting in this area. I do trust the Lord's plan from eternity past, but I also am very sad for my son who was exposed to this for years. Thank you Lee. You've been a great source of comfort to me. ~Renee
My TechnoLogic resources for creating technology boundaries are FREE for all parents. Please share this information with your friends!
Watch the webinar online, or download the MP3 and listen anywhere! Get all the amazing handouts and resources and worksheets for this webinar absolutely FREE! Training Series on Setting Technology Boundaries
What challenges are you having with technology in your home or homeschool? If you have viewed the webinar series, what did you think? Please share!

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