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Am I Teaching Too Much English?

Am I Teaching Too Much English?

Am I Teaching Too Much English?

It can be tempting to double up in your homeschool, but is that a good idea? Are you teaching too much English? Click on Lee's video, below, to find out!

Have you ever tried using more than one English curriculum at a time? What is your favorite English curriculum? Please share!

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If you need help finding the right balance and choosing the courses your child needs, check out the Planning High School Courses (Online Training) class for some help, just $15!
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Comments 1

Guest - Dana Snowden (website) on Wednesday, 29 October 2014 23:23

I am and secondary English teacher gone home school mom. I think Easy Grammar at is the best and easiest I've ever used for actual grammar.
We use unit studies for most of our work, even in high school. Far Above Rubies is the unit study my girls are using now. It is a Christian four-year unit study for girls. It involves lots of reading, writing, and creating projects. You can see a sample unit at

Writing can bring English into every subject area and make learning more interesting!

I am and secondary English teacher gone home school mom. I think Easy Grammar at is the best and easiest I've ever used for actual grammar. We use unit studies for most of our work, even in high school. Far Above Rubies is the unit study my girls are using now. It is a Christian four-year unit study for girls. It involves lots of reading, writing, and creating projects. You can see a sample unit at Writing can bring English into every subject area and make learning more interesting!
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