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TechnoLogic Review by Jonathan Lewis of Home School Enrichment Magazine

TechnoLogic review

TechnoLogic Review by Jonathan Lewis of Home School Enrichment Magazine

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Home School Enrichment Magazine is one magazine I've always loved, and I was so pleased they decided to write a review of my book on setting technology boundaries with your children. Check it out!

TechnoLogic Review by Jonathan Lewis
Home School Enrichment Magazine

I’m a Millennial. Okay, just barely—but I still qualify. I grew up around technology and got an early start with computers. I may not be a natural tech geek, but I do handle technology competently and have done so for years.

And from that experience, I know how easy it is to let technology get the better of me if I allow it to do so. Whether it’s checking my phone too often or wasting time online, it’s easy to let my technology own me instead of the other way around.

That’s why I’m glad Lee Binz has written the book TechnoLogic: How to Set Logical Technology Boundaries and Stop the Zombie Apocalypse. The zombies she’s referring to are the mind-numbed hordes who are so preoccupied with their gadgets they’re not living real life.

The problem of technology overuse and addiction is serious, as is the torrent of inappropriate material available at the click of a button (or, as Lee points out, accidentally available to a child engaging in a seemingly innocent Internet search). The problems are real, and today’s parents need to be both aware of the problems and equipped to deal with them constructively. Completely unplugging might be tempting at times, but that’s probably not the best option for most of us, since our children do need to know how to use technology. But we also don’t need to let our technology rule—and ruin—our lives.

Somewhere between the extremes is a middle ground we need to find. And that’s what Lee wants to help you accomplish with TechnoLogic.

Lee’s book is divided into four main sections: Understand the Problem, Face the Problem, Prevent the Problem, and Deal with the Problem. While the book does take a somber view of tech overuse, I appreciate that it’s not an anti-technology rant.

The early chapters focus on the problem, while the later chapters focus more on solutions. In discussing the problems, I appreciate the fact that Lee takes the discussion beyond just the dangers of porn and violent video games and delves into the science of what technology overuse can do to our children’s brains. (But don’t worry—she doesn’t get too heavy.) In other words, it’s not just a content problem, though Lee discusses that aspect as well; it’s a use problem. If our children are using technology too much—even for perfectly wholesome activities—they’re going to suffer for it.

You’ll find plenty of practical pointers and ideas for handling technology constructively. You’ll discover, for example, “Ten Ways to Create Wholesome Technology Boundaries” (chapter 7), “Nine Real Family Examples of Setting Successful Technology Boundaries” (chapter 8), and “Seven Steps for Safe and Sane Internet Use” (chapter 9).

Don’t read this book if you are unwilling to feel a little uncomfortable about your family’s technology habits. But if you’re concerned about how to help your children successfully navigate the technological world we live in, I recommend you get a copy and read it. If you’re not concerned, then I highly recommend you get a copy and read it. Why? Because if you’re not concerned, it probably means you’re not paying attention—and you need to be. Too many parents are fundamentally uninformed about the multifaceted dangers posed by technology overuse.

I think many moms and dads hear warnings about technology and think the concern is just about porn and violent video games. Filter those out and we’re fine, the thinking goes. But those things aren’t the only concern, as Lee makes abundantly clear. Technology abuse and addiction are real things. If you don’t believe me, hopefully you will by the time you finish reading TechnoLogic. The real-life story Lee includes in chapter 11 is an eye-opener.

So pick up a copy of TechnoLogic. Read it. Consider it. Then prayerfully decide what to do with your newfound knowledge. The stakes are high. For the sake of our children, we need to be informed.

The fall edition of Home School Enrichment is available now. I love this magazine! It's a wonderful resource for homeschool families - and I really enjoy reading it myself! Now is a great time to give it a try. Take advantage of the “Back to Home School” sale going on right now and get a subscription for just $14.97—that’s more than 30% off the regular price! Sweet!

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