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The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

The Final Sacrificial Culmination of the Homeschool Years

If you regularly use words like field-tripping and work-shopping, this tip is for you! Bonnie writes about how her final sacrificial culmination of homeschooling was creating course descriptions that earned her daughter some sweet merit scholarships. Like a mom creating a senior project, the work we do can pay dividends! The problem is that you have to take all your natural learning, and translate those beautiful memories into homeschool records. Frankly, it takes a bit of effort! But, it's worth it!

My daughter is currently a homeschool senior and I have used your products for her transcript, comprehensive record, etc, etc.. She has been accepted to a few colleges with nice merit scholarships. Your information and resources have been a blessing to me both last year and this year with my daughter being at the age for PSAT, SAT, college visits, etc., and I know that the whole process was made easier, clearer, and more successful by using your resources!

Your kind words written back to me filled my heart with joy!! I appreciate that you took the time to read what I wrote. That really tells me that you are 100% invested in your business, but I already had that impression anyway!

I only wish that I had found your resources earlier in my daughter's homeschooling high schooling years. I am pretty meticulous about keeping records, daily work completed, schedules, etc., but if I had known back in 9th grade (or even 8th grade) about the best way to write the course descriptions for the comprehensive record, I would have saved myself so much time and energy. Initially, I had written a short blurb about a course, and then attached the scope & sequence to it, then kept them in a file folder on my computer, or kept printed out copies of them over the years until I knew I needed to compile them for her comprehensive records. I thought that I was 'ahead of the game' and would only need to put them all together when it was approaching the time to start sending them out to the colleges. Boy, was I hit with such a daunting task after I sat through your live webinar when my daughter was already in 11th grade!! I felt like it was a blessing and a curse at the same time! A blessing because I now had the tools and information to make her comprehensive records the best I could produce, but a curse, because I had done things incorrectly and would have to start from square one and redo everything I had already created over the past few years! I was actually 'paralyzed' for a short while thinking of the amount of work that was ahead of me, but I eventually pulled up my boot straps, prayed for strength and guidance, and then hit the ground running...or typing!!

I realized that my act of creating this homeschool high school record was like one of my final sacrificial acts of our homeschooling season. It was a culmination of all of the years of teaching, learning, field tripping (new word? I feel like Shakespeare!), workshopping, reading aloud, etc., etc., compiled into one beautiful memory of my daughter's homeschool high school learning journey. Were there times when I wanted to toss the computer out the window or tear the house apart because I couldn't find some of my supporting documentation that I had put in a 'safe place'? Sure!! Did I grumble at my computer because EXCEL or WORD wouldn't let me do what I thought I should be able to creatively do to make the transcript look exactly like I wanted it to look? Again, sure I did!! But, I persevered and I completed my task mainly because I had your guidance and examples to help me get there, Lee!! Well, this 'small' point ended up turning into a 'long-winded' point, so please excuse the ramble.

I wish you, your husband, and all of your staff many blessings for the work that you do to bring such wonderful resources to those of us in the homeschool world! Thank you!

May you be richly blessed~
Bonnie In Maine

Spend some times learning about transcripts and course descriptions early in high school, so you aren't caught unaware. We teach our children how planning ahead can prevent emergencies, and the same is true for us as homeschool moms.

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Comments 2

Lee Binz on Saturday, 21 April 2018 14:52

Oh I remember than convention so well - it was sure hot that day! I'm so glad to be able to help you, Deanna!

Oh I remember than convention so well - it was sure hot that day! I'm so glad to be able to help you, Deanna! Blessings, Lee
Deanna Pathio on Saturday, 21 April 2018 12:35

Thank you Bonnie for sharing! After reading your post, I am so glad I found The Homescholar when my son was in 8th grade! I found out about Lee when I saw she was coming to the homeschool convention in Phoenix. So thankful for the connections in the homeschool community.

Thank you Bonnie for sharing! After reading your post, I am so glad I found The Homescholar when my son was in 8th grade! I found out about Lee when I saw she was coming to the homeschool convention in Phoenix. So thankful for the connections in the homeschool community.
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