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Just Another Reason To Homeschool

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Reasons to Homeschool

Why are we doing this?   Have You Seen the News?!


You have been homeschooling for a while now, and you may feel frustrated or overwhelmed.   Why are we working so hard at this, anyway?  Why do we do this, what do we want?  What's the point?

Nobody is perfect, and no school is perfect.  On the other hand, there have been many stories in the news about the failures of public education.  Just remember, it's not a picnic on the other side of this equation, either!

1. Violence

Mean-Girl Bullying Trickles Down to Grade School.  "Within months of starting at a private elementary school in suburban St. Louis, Caroline was waking up with night terrors, sleepwalking and crying excessively."  NYTimes

One teen dead, 3 injured in Texas school stabbing. Possible gang rivalry investigated.USAToday 

2. Health
Sleep Deprivation. "Teen sleep zombies: Should high schools have later start times?"  Studies have shown that students do better if they start their school day rested, while a later start time could be problematic for bus schedules. 
Nutrition. "Half of Teachers Report Hunger Is a Serious Problem in Their Classrooms." More Some School Districts Quit Healthier Lunch Program. "So many students turned up their noses at meals packed with whole grains, fruits and vegetables that the cafeterias were losing money." Huffington Post

3. Sex Offenders

"Sentence Shock: Just 30 Days For Teacher Who Raped Student" A judge suspended the rest of the 15-year sentence in the rape of a student who later committed suicide. More 
Convicted sex offenders among students going back to school. "People may think it is unusual because it is Lake Washington School Districts. We are a relatively affluent district, but every school district deals with this issue." More

4. Socialization
With twerking in the news, kids will learn about it in school and from their friends. "Miley Cyrus, MTV, and Why It Matters (A Lot) to Christian Families." Read Raising Real Men. If you need some help explaining twerking, this is a PG video that explains why it's NOT appropriate. Preview before showing it to your children. YouTube  

Teachers provide socialization as well. "Little Rock school district will now make teachers wear underwear." Every single day.  Don't worry, though, you have a year to think about it. The dress code will officially go into effect fall of 2014. More  

5. Public School Prison 

If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person
"If every parent sent every single child to public school, schools would improve." Not immediately, it could take generations, with mediocre educations in the meantime, but worth it for the eventual common good. Note: this is NOT satire.  TheSlate
Boston College psychology professor thinks school stinks. kids hate school not because teachers are boring but because a school, inherently, is a prison. DeseretNews

"School is a prison - and damaging our kids. Longer school years aren't the answer. The problem is school itself. Compulsory teach-and-test simply doesn't work."

School alternative is a child care provider. "Seattle district warns parents to prepare for possible teacher strike. The school district is working with child care providers and the city to offer child-care options if a strike occurs." More

Solution: Homeschool Through High School

Discover why homeschooling high school can produce the best-educated, best-equipped citizens... just when we needed them the most!  This free class will help. Discovering How and Why it Works, with Dr. Jay Wile.  


Learn how to create records of your homeschool that will attract the attention of your dream college, and open doors to admission and great scholarships.

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Comments 3

Guest - JW on Friday, 15 November 2013 10:27

LOL, School as prison - I've developed names for the architecture styles that prevail in this school district:

Early 20th Century Classic Institution
Mid 20th Century Cattle Shed
Early 21st Century Prison-Block Gothic

The district we lived in when my kids were very little had brand new school buildings with no windows. I'm serious. No windows.

LOL, School as prison - I've developed names for the architecture styles that prevail in this school district: Early 20th Century Classic Institution Mid 20th Century Cattle Shed Early 21st Century Prison-Block Gothic The district we lived in when my kids were very little had brand new school buildings with no windows. I'm serious. No windows.
Guest - Lee on Thursday, 14 November 2013 08:32

You're welcome, Melanie! I mentioned your site in my email last month as well I think you're awesome - keep up the good work!

You're welcome, Melanie! I mentioned your site in my email last month as well :) I think you're awesome - keep up the good work! Blessings, Lee
Guest - Melanie Young (website) on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 22:59

Lee, what a great list. If you read the news, it's not hard to remember why we have our children at home, is it?

Thanks for pointing folks to our Raising Real Men blog, too!


Lee, what a great list. If you read the news, it's not hard to remember why we have our children at home, is it? Thanks for pointing folks to our Raising Real Men blog, too! Melanie
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