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Choosing a Career or College Major

We were sitting at the dining table, filling out college applications and came to the part that said "What is your major?"  My son panicked.

It's rare to have a teenager know exactly what they want to do in life. Very few high school seniors can confidently say what their major will be. One step in the right direction is to do some career planning in your home. Here are some resources that may help.  Don't expect a book or website to solve your problem, because learning your purpose in life happens over time, not in an instant.  Still, these resources can begin the process of thoughtful reflection.


  • What Color is Your Parachute

  • What Color Is Your Parachute? For Teens, 2nd Edition: Discovering Yourself, Defining Your Future Get the teen version because I have heard the adult version may have inappropriate content

  • Finding the Career that Fits You Workbook by Larry Burkett is a Christian classic for career exploration

  • Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type by Tieger and Barron I haven't read it myself, but others have recommended it.

Website and Information about Career Exploration

Mostly, just pick a major - anything!  If you're stuck, pick the hardest major considered, not the easiest major.  It's a LOT easier to go from Engineering to Business than to go from Business to Engineering.  The harder degrees will often have harder math and harder science.  Meeting those strict requirements will certainly meet requirements for the easier degrees.  On the other hand, when you choose an easy major, the prerequisites are easy.  Those easy science and easy math classes will NOT meet the requirements of a harder degree, so it could lengthen the amount of time spent in college.

It's our son's wedding day!  Congratulations Kevin and Liz!!!
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