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Success Stories of Confidence Plus College Admission

success stories

Success Stories of Confidence Plus College Admission

I love this time of year when parents are sending me their success stories! You know what I see most from parents with seniors? Shock and awe!

Feel Confident
“I'm so glad you came to Wichita this year! With an 8th grader soon to enter high school, the information you shared was exactly what I needed to launch us into 9th grade next school year. In many way, I really didn't know what I needed to know! Now I feel confident we can navigate the waters armed with the resources we have as well as the words of your seminars echoing in my mind from the weekend. Thanks for doing what you do and praise the Lord for His timing!! Blessings, Miriam”

Accepted to Every College
"I just wanted to thank you for your help & templates for our daughter's high school transcript and other documentation through the Silver Training membership. Our daughter's high school transcript & other necessary documentation has impressed every (8 in total) college/university she applied to. She has been accepted by every single one! She narrowed it down to her top two choices by February but her top choice really stood out above the others and made her decision easy. She also likes that it is only an hour away from home. They offered her a nice academic scholarship based on her ACT scores, awarded her a nice vocal scholarship, a place in their choir in the fall, and offered her a place on the women's volleyball team in the fall as well. Amazing! God is so good!  ~Louisa"

Homeschool Your Way
"Hey, Lee, I am similarly grateful. When I was having fear and my kids were entering high school, I listened to your advice which was that I could do it! I could continue to homeschool "my way" and still make sure my kids were accepted into college. My son's transcript was accepted at a community college for dual enrollment next year and my daughter's at another community college where she should be entering at or near sophomore status. I kept waiting for call-backs to ask me about those transcripts, but they caused no problems whatsoever! THANKS for all the help! ~ Colleen"

I would love to hear your stories of success, too! Please chime in when you have something to share. You know, other parents just LOVE to hear about the success of others.

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