Subject Line - SUCCESS STORY!

Cynthia's Success Story!
Hi Lee -
I am writing to say thank you and to share our success story with you.
Our eldest (of three) children was just accepted early decision into Lafayette College in Easton, PA! Your resources were invaluable in helping me wade through the application process. I used both your "Total Transcript Solution" and "Comprehensive Record Solution." I so appreciate all the information, directions, and samples provided so that I could customize our son's application to make him stand out. I feel our end product - the transcript, comprehensive records, in addition to the essays he and I both had to write and the recommendations from others - was an outstanding product that helped the college selection committee see our son's academic excellence and also his character, which led them to a decision to admit him to their institution.
I recommend your materials to all homeschoolers who have high school students, and I also agree with your suggestions that homeschoolers with younger students should also begin to learn all about keeping records before their children are in high school. I find myself almost looking forward to creating the transcripts and records for our two younger children!
Blessings and joy as you and your family!
In Christ,
Cynthia in NJ
Listen, if you are new to the whole "high school thing" just take it one step at a time. If you are a true beginner, or looking at homeschooling for the first time, look at my Getting Started Page. If you are ready to have your own success story about homeschooling high school, then check out some of my preview classes on my Homeschool Freebies Page. And if you would appreciate some support along the way, consider joining the Gold Care Club for $67 per month. The Gold Care Club has 5 recorded classes, a live webinar, tools, template, scholarships and resources that change monthly - and you can learn independently that way. But with the Gold Care Club you also get personalized support if you like, with an email consultation for 20 minutes every week. Plus it's just plain fun to work with another homeschool mom who understands!

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