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"I love it all" Says Lori Lane

Lori Lane, of Heart of the Matter Online and Artios Academies LOVED looking at the Total Transcript Solution.
I have looked over the Total Transcript Solutions and it’s something that I’m going to recommend to all of the parents that I worked with in Artios Academies and continue to note in on Heart of the Matter.  The research you’ve compiled lines up with how I feel about homeschooling through high school. That is, I want my child to be represented in the best way possible but I don’t want to fit in a mold and I want to continue to homeschool the way that we’ve been homeschooling.
What I liked most in the Total Transcript Solution was the e-book, the Easy Truth About Homeschool Transcripts. I had to do a lot of this research on my own before I knew you had already done it.  This was a great compilation; the summary and how to will encourage people to continue on homeschooling.

I love all of it!  I love the bonuses but what I really love is the fact that I can pick up the phone and call you. The first month when I get my feet wet, I could say “Hey, I’ve run into this” or “I wish I could have done this, especially with my first child.” Everything I collected for him, I put in a box but it wasn’t in a file; it wasn’t compiled in any way until the second half of his junior year and then I started trying to put it together.

It ended up all good and he ended up in the college of his choice with great scholarships. But I wish I could have picked up the phone and said “Hey, Lee. I’ve got this box in front of me and it’s got all this stuff. I’ve read your book but I’m lost as to exactly where to start or how to present him in the best light.” That personal one-on-one attention is key to continue to homeschool successfully and to end strong.

~Lori Lane, Heart of the Matter Online

The HomeScholar’s Total Transcript Solution will take the fear out of homeschool transcripts! 
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