Earn College Credits while in High School
You can give high school credit for students who earn college credits, regardless of how old the student may be. Of course, when I tell that to parents, half of them laugh and think, 'MY child getting college credits in high school? HA!" I know it's easy to be skeptical - I remember thinking that way myself! But when kids really start to learn a subject they love, it's completely possible to earn college credits through using CLEP tests.
Recently Elise wrote to share her successes with CLEP. Her 10th grader learned World History in a way that he enjoyed, and it made sense to him. He was able to take and pass a CLEP exam in that subject. Now he is a 10th grader with some college credits under his belt! Here is the sweet note from Elise:
Don't think it will never happen to you. Be open to the possibility and it may happen for you, too! And yes, Elise, if it were me I would give him a class called "Honors" for his history class. Great job!

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Recently Elise wrote to share her successes with CLEP. Her 10th grader learned World History in a way that he enjoyed, and it made sense to him. He was able to take and pass a CLEP exam in that subject. Now he is a 10th grader with some college credits under his belt! Here is the sweet note from Elise:
Hi, Lee!
I'm so excited, I just had to let you know that, thanks in part to you, my son (10th grader) passed the Western Civ I CLEP! First, you assured me in one our phone calls that Sonlight's Core 6 (World History part 1) would be fine to do with my 2 when they were in 7th and 9th with some Teaching Co. DVDs (which is something we enjoyed doing vs switching to a "High School level" course that he'd have to do alone). Then, through reading your book, watching your DVD, and reading your blog about all the advantages of the CLEP, I decided to try having my son take the CLEP when we were done. He used a CLEP study book and a little InstaCert and got a 63 when 50 is passing and 56 qualified him for credit at the college he's thinking of going to! Like you said, he's saving thousands of dollars by clepping out of that course, validating our homeschool grades, and I think I can count that World History course as honors, if I'm not mistaken. Regardless, I'm ecstatic, and thank you so much for all you do! I wanted you to put it on your blog so others could hear how much you help!
Elise Knight
Don't think it will never happen to you. Be open to the possibility and it may happen for you, too! And yes, Elise, if it were me I would give him a class called "Honors" for his history class. Great job!

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