Awesome College Costing Only $400 Year
Awesome College Costing Only $400 Year
Wow, some families get all the luck! I got this message from a mom who got an AMAZING college offer for her daughter. Check it out - their college experience will only cost $400 per year! You can't even have a child live with you at HOME for that little money! Woo hoo!!!
Dear Lee,
I wanted to thank you, SO MUCH, for your guidance and expertise! In the past two years, I've read your emails and many of your coffee break books, and I've read your transcript book multiple times. I don't know how I would have been able to prepare my daughter's transcripts without your help.
And I'm pleased to report that after a great high school, home school experience, my daughter was admitted to a highly selective liberal arts college with a $16,000 per year (for 4 years!) merit scholarship! That leaves a balance of about $400 per year to pay on tuition . . . I think we can scrape that up. ;-)
Thanks again, and many blessings to you and your family!
With warm regards,
Tawni in Utah
If you are wondering where to start, and how to end high school successfully, do what Tawni did.
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You know what I think? I think ALL homeschool parents can be successful with college admission and scholarships! I really do! Just plan ahead, learn ahead of where your child is right now, and you will be ready! This article will help you find a college that might love your student enough to give you big scholarship awards, too. Read Three Steps to Finding a College

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Comments 2
Congrats to Tawni! I would love to know what school that was. OK to email me privately if needed. Thank you!
Dear Beth,
Tawni requested that any specific information remain private. The good news is, homeschoolers are getting scholarships---often!
Assistant to The HomeScholar