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Our Charlotte Mason Pond

Charlotte Mason

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 Our Charlotte Mason Pond

Charlotte Mason would have loved my pond. It's only two blocks from my house. The pond has salmon, river otters, blue herons, bald eagles, and a huge variety of ducks and geese. The park will sometimes even see visiting wildlife: coyotes, rabbits, racoons, and more. When we moved here, I thought I would spend hours at the pond with my children doing nature studies. I bought some fabulous books about nature studies that I loved:

A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison

Charlotte Mason


More Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison

Charlotte Mason


The pond is just a few yards from Puget Sound. I fantasized about oceanography units and marine biology studies. I bought great books for a Marine Biology unit:

The Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to study at the Seashore by: Deborah A. Coulombe



Marine Biology Coloring Book

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashore Creatures.


I dreamed of examining algae under a microscope and I was positively giddy about the ducklings. I was all set up to encourage my children so they would delight in nature studies and learn naturally in the great outdoors. Except there was one didn’t happen that way at all!

My boys would whine and complain the whole time we did nature studies. They loved physical exertion and didn’t mind getting out for a bike ride or a swim, but they didn’t want to just “sit there and look at stuff.” All they wanted to do was read books and ride bikes. It’s one thing to focus on delight directed studies, but what about driving “non-delightful” studies? What’s a Charlotte Mason style mom to do?

I finally had to conclude that the “delight” in delight directed learning was about them, not me. My learning style is not the same as their learning style. My interests are not their interests. I had to let go of the fabulous nature studies and focus on the ways my children learned instead. If they loved books... I'd let them have books.

My children are grown now and it's just me and my husband at home. We frequently walk to the pond and the beach, and enjoy our nature studies together. He doesn’t whine at all! You see? Success is just a matter of time!

What are your favorite Charlotte Mason style books in your homeschool? Please share in the comments!

Please note: This post was originally published in February 2012 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
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Comments 7

Guest - Dawn @ The Momma Knows (website) on Friday, 13 March 2015 15:14

That is EXACTLY what our foray into Charlotte Mason was like for us, too. My boys wanted nothing to do with nature journaling, or bird watching, or identifying plants. They thought the hawks nesting in the tree across the road were cool, because sometimes they'get to see them catch a rabbit and carry it off. Otherwise, the outdoors were for playing tag, bike riding, and target shooting cardboard boxes with beebee guns. Reading books were another sore point. "When are we going to be done?" is all I ever heard. UGH. And I SO love Charlotte Mason!

That is EXACTLY what our foray into Charlotte Mason was like for us, too. My boys wanted nothing to do with nature journaling, or bird watching, or identifying plants. They thought the hawks nesting in the tree across the road were cool, because sometimes they'get to see them catch a rabbit and carry it off. Otherwise, the outdoors were for playing tag, bike riding, and target shooting cardboard boxes with beebee guns. :) Reading books were another sore point. "When are we going to be done?" is all I ever heard. UGH. And I SO love Charlotte Mason!
Guest - JW on Friday, 25 July 2014 02:00

Re-reading my reply from two years ago and howling with laughter at the memories. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence, Lee :-)

Re-reading my reply from two years ago and howling with laughter at the memories. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence, Lee :-)
Guest - Assistant to The HomeScholar on Friday, 25 July 2014 04:22

That is so true, Jo!

Assistant to The HomeScholar

That is so true, Jo! Robin Assistant to The HomeScholar
Guest - Kirsten West on Friday, 13 June 2014 07:18

I thought maybe it was just me. I try and try with extra activities and projects to support the subject my kids are learning, but every time I bring something up they both protest loudly. Mine are also more interested in reading and physical activities. They just want to read about a given subject and then play in the treehouse, or have a water fight.
Maybe I need to start working on my husband...
Thanks for the great post!

I thought maybe it was just me. I try and try with extra activities and projects to support the subject my kids are learning, but every time I bring something up they both protest loudly. Mine are also more interested in reading and physical activities. They just want to read about a given subject and then play in the treehouse, or have a water fight. Maybe I need to start working on my husband... Thanks for the great post!
Guest - Assistant to The HomeScholar on Saturday, 14 June 2014 02:58

You're definitely not alone, Kirsten! As homeschool moms, we are always trying to make sure we cover everything! We have a tendency to do too much. Now, you probably are doing exactly what you need to, but just in case, here's a link to a post Lee wrote, that asks the question, "Are You Doing Too Much in Your Homeschool?"

Assistant to The HomeScholar

You're definitely not alone, Kirsten! As homeschool moms, we are always trying to make sure we cover everything! We have a tendency to do too much. Now, you probably are doing exactly what you need to, but just in case, here's a link to a post Lee wrote, that asks the question, "Are You Doing Too Much in Your Homeschool?" Blessings! Robin Assistant to The HomeScholar
Guest - J W on Monday, 13 February 2012 10:04

Oh, and just so's you don't get to feeling too sorry for yourself that you didn't get to do nature studies... Here's the flip side of nature studies, LOL!

No, you can't take it home. I mean it! NO!!! Put it BACK!!! NOW!!!

Wild animals are NOT DISNEY ANIMALS!

Just because it's cute doesn't mean it won't bite (thank God we didn't have to go to the emergency room and explain that little adventure).

Just because it's cute doesn't mean some predator won't come along and kill and eat it while you're watching.

Just because it was cute at one time doesn't mean it won't stink and look absolutely pukeiferous if it's been dead awhile.

If your child doesn't have the heart to dump the microscopic zoo down the toilet, bring clothes pins to hold your nose while she dumps the nasty water back into the pond from whence it came.

Hmm... Maybe you won't want to borrow my kids after all...

Oh, and just so's you don't get to feeling too sorry for yourself that you didn't get to do nature studies... Here's the flip side of nature studies, LOL! No, you can't take it home. I mean it! NO!!! Put it BACK!!! NOW!!! Wild animals are NOT DISNEY ANIMALS! Just because it's cute doesn't mean it won't bite (thank God we didn't have to go to the emergency room and explain that little adventure). Just because it's cute doesn't mean some predator won't come along and kill and eat it while you're watching. Just because it was cute at one time doesn't mean it won't stink and look absolutely pukeiferous if it's been dead awhile. If your child doesn't have the heart to dump the microscopic zoo down the toilet, bring clothes pins to hold your nose while she dumps the nasty water back into the pond from whence it came. Hmm... Maybe you won't want to borrow my kids after all...
Guest - J W on Monday, 13 February 2012 09:54

Anytime you want to borrow my students, let me know - we don't have access to that private park. I used to sneak in when I was a teenager, so I know all about it, but nowadays it's harder. I have a car to park now - not a bike or my own two feet, and people don't bother a lone teen - but they do ask questions of a matron with two teens in tow!

Anytime you want to borrow my students, let me know - we don't have access to that private park. I used to sneak in when I was a teenager, so I know all about it, but nowadays it's harder. I have a car to park now - not a bike or my own two feet, and people don't bother a lone teen - but they do ask questions of a matron with two teens in tow!
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