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Never Too Early to Learn About High School

I received such a sweet note from a member last week! Sweet feedback certainly keeps me motivated!

Kadonna and her husband purchased the Total Transcript Solution, so they could wrap their brain around the whole concept of homeschool transcripts.

"It has been such a pleasure to work with your team. We're only in the elementary stage of our homeschool journey, but Lee has inspired me to continue through the High School years. She has so many wonderful resources available so I'm trying to get a head start!"

-- Kristopher and Kadonna Bailey

To be honest, sometimes it's the transcript that scares parents the most about homeschooling high school.  If I can just remove the fear of that transcript, then you can go into the high school years feeling so much more confident!

If you are looking at homeschooling high school in your future, consider taking this free class about homeschool transcripts. I really think it will reduce your anxiety, and help you relax and see the future without stressing out so much.

If you decide to purchase the Total Transcript Solution, like Kadonna did, please know that we'll do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied with our help. Listen to what Amy wrote to me!

Amys customer service review"You guys on the support staff are really fantastic,

I have never had better customer service.

It is a rarity in this day and age sometimes. Thanks again!"

--  Amy

So take a deep breath in, and breathe out, releasing that stress. It's not so scary, and I'll be glad to help!


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