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Leap of Faith: From Behind and Overwhelmed to College Scholarships

Leap of Faith to Scholarships @TheHomeScholarLeap of Faith: From Behind and Overwhelmed to College Scholarships

Not everyone begins their college planning and preparation from the time their children are young, crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's. Parents have busy lives, with babies, toddlers, and busy schedules.  Check out this letter of encouragement from a real-life homeschool mom like you! You are NOT alone!
    Thank you for all your help this year.  My oldest child is a senior this year, about to graduate.  We have always homeschooled him, along with our other children, but when he got ready to enter high school, it was a leap of faith whether to do it or not.  I wasn't sure I could do it, and I was terrified he would never get into college.  Although there are many homeschoolers in my area, most of the homeschoolers that I know either have kids that are younger than mine, or have decided against sending their children to college in the traditional way.  Although we knew that our son was thinking about college, he was unsure of what he wanted to do.  Finally this past summer, the Lord spoke to his heart and my son started to make plans for attending college, except that we had no idea where to even start.  We hadn't visited schools or really even looked at them, we didn't have transcripts or course descriptions and no knowledge of how to apply for colleges, write college essays or apply for scholarships. In fact, I was even behind on some of my grading because I had had a baby and had a toddler at home.  All his high school papers were in piles in several different boxes with grades here and there.  I felt completely overwhelmed and had no one to even ask for help.  I had a couple of books that helped a little but I still had so many questions.  I had received your e-mails, and following you on Facebook but last fall I was finally able to attend one of your webinars.  After the webinar I purchased the Comprehensive Record Solution and became a Gold Care Club member.  Although I never sought out your service on the phone (my kids have co-op on Wednesdays) or through e-mails, I did go through many of your materials.  Although it took me months to get it all done, I did finally complete all of his transcripts, course descriptions, reading lists, activities, cover letters, etc. My son applied to four colleges, and was accepted to all and offered academic scholarships (not total scholarships, but every little bit helps!)  While none of them were Harvard or Yale, he wanted a private 4 year Christian college, some of which were not all that easy to get into.  While he hasn't made a final decision, he has options, and that is in part because of your help.  I was able to show in great detail all he had accomplished in an organized, easy to read and understand way.  Thank you for all that you offer to homeschoolers, but especially to parents like me, that had no clue where to even begin.  Although it was a tremendous amount of work, having all your wonderful help made it so much easier and less stressful.  I thank the Lord that He led me to your site and all your outstanding knowledge.  I recommend you to everyone that I speak to about this whole process and even listed your site as one of my favorite homeschooling helps at a recent support group meeting. Thank you for all that you have done
~ Ms. Tiena

What are the lessons you can apply from this example? Don't panic, but plan and prepare! You can do this, and I'll be happy to help! Start with my free resources, and then if you need more support, I'll be there for you.

It's never too late! Just start preparing today!
15 Point Senior Year Inspection Checklist

Plan ahead for college admission, because teenagers change their minds.
WARNING! Teenagers Change Their Mind!

Create comprehensive records to impress colleges.
FREE Webinar! Homeschool Records that Open Doors!

Get help when you need it, just reach out!
The HomeScholar Gold Care Club
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Comments 2

Guest - Lee (website) on Friday, 06 November 2015 14:11

Thanks for leaving a comment, Ann! I miss talking with you, and I hope all is well with you and your family! Hugs! ~ Lee

Thanks for leaving a comment, Ann! I miss talking with you, and I hope all is well with you and your family! Hugs! ~ Lee
Guest - Ann on Friday, 06 November 2015 14:01

Bravo, Ms. Tiena! You did phenomenal "under the gun!" I know it was not at all easy but never would have been possible without Lee's counsel and help, as my story is so similar to yours.

God's blessing and best wishes to your son and family as he embarks on his college years.

Bravo, Ms. Tiena! You did phenomenal "under the gun!" I know it was not at all easy but never would have been possible without Lee's counsel and help, as my story is so similar to yours. God's blessing and best wishes to your son and family as he embarks on his college years.
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