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Good Things Can Happen To You Too!

Don't give up!  Every year parents contact me surprised at their own successes.  Face this coming year with confidence and determination.  Read what Renee, Janet, and Kathleen have shared.  What will YOUR story be?  When the year is done, and you have the results of your hard work, let me know.  I love to encourage others!

Renee wrote:
I just wanted to write and thank you for the encouragement you provided as my daughter applied to colleges this fall. A big thanks for taking time to look over her transcript and make suggestions regarding courses taken through outside sources such as community college and distance learning programs. It really made for a more professional look.

In addition, thank you for the articles about the SAT and ACT on your blog/website that lead me to have Madeleine take both tests. Her high ACT score along with her GPA got her the invitation to Scholars’ Day. I am convinced that her ACT score was a large factor in being awarded the Centennial Scholarship as well as being invited to be a member of the Ina E. Gordy Honors College at Mississippi University for Women. Madeleine’s scholarship will be paying for four years of tuition, out-of-state fees, room/board, book stipend as well as $5000 toward a month summer abroad program. We are so proud of her hard work and thank you again for all that I learned through your services.

There are sooooo many parents that worry about college and scholarships. You are providing a service much needed by many of them.

Renee in Alabama

Janet wrote:
I’m always glad to hear about successful homescholars! My daughter also received a full-ride scholarship: she has received an appointment to the United States Military Academy in Westpoint, NY! She spent last year at a military prep school. She was the valedictorian of her class, and she received the “Top Engineering Student” award. I really believe that homeschooling taught her how to learn, and not just how to pass tests. Already, she has taken her education way beyond our homeschooling curriculum!

Kathleen wrote:
I wanted to let you know how much your newsletters have meant to me. My daughter, Michaela, is graduating this year and she has already been accepted to the 4 private Christian colleges she applied to with the highest academic scholarship award from each one. She has been invited to participate for a full-tuition scholarship at two of these colleges. We are currently preparing for that, as well as a music scholarship for the worship team and another for theater. Your newsletter this month ( How to Win a Scholarship Competition ) was providential in giving me more insight on how to prepare for the interview coming up next month. Michaela also plays basketball and we are still hoping that she may be asked by one of the coaches to play with a partial scholarship since this has been her goal throughout high school. We are believing that God will pave the way so that we can combine scholarships that will enable her to attend college without incurring any debt.

Again, had it not been for your wonderful newsletters and all your advice through the years, my daughters would not be in the position they are today. So if you ever feel like what you’re doing is not worth it… know that you have been a tremendous blessing to me, to my daughters, and to so many other families.


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Comments 1

Guest - J W on Monday, 02 July 2012 14:30

Wow, this sure does give me hope - I'm fully supportive of my kiddo's dream, but it's gonna be ex-pen-sive because this promising young person is aiming to be a veterinarian. I don't even want to think about how many years kiddo's gonna be in school!!!

Wow, this sure does give me hope - I'm fully supportive of my kiddo's dream, but it's gonna be ex-pen-sive because this promising young person is aiming to be a veterinarian. I don't even want to think about how many years kiddo's gonna be in school!!!
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