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The Boy Who Had No Need of Ears

My husband was looking through his old homeschool file and found a poem he had written long time ago.  Guess which child this was about?

The Boy Who Had No Need of Ears

I know a boy of eleven years
Who has no need of his two ears.
He speaks all morning, noon and night,
When he plays and when he fights,
And when he speaks all stop to hear
This wise old boy of eleven years.

But never once during his day
Will he stop from work or play
To simply listen to the song
(He can't, of course, with both ears gone)
Or the yellow chickadee,
Or of his brother, or mom or me.

So we who did his christening,
Now do all the listening.

I wonder one day if he'll pause
Just to rest his tired jaws.
And rediscover his  two ears
Can serve a purpose, it appears.
For if he does, he will rejoice
That he can hear his lovely voice!

by Matthew E. Binz

Who do you suppose?  The quiet engineering son, or the political science major?  That's right.  The talker, Alex.  I'm mentioning this just to illustrate one important fact.

They grow up.

My son Alex is now a Certified Rhetorician, with lovely wall certificate and everything.  In case you're wondering, a Certified  Rhetorician means he has been certified as a talker.  Like James Bond has a license to kill, my grown son has a license to talk.  Just like he has always been a talker.

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