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How Can I Teach as Well as a Professional?

How Do I Help My Child Develop a Post High School Plan?

Are you worried about being able to homeschool high school? How can you possibly teach as well as a professional educator? Click on Lee's video below to learn why you are your child's best teacher!

Are you confident about homeschooling high school? What are your fears? Let me know in the comments below!

How Can I Teach as Well as a Professional?

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Comments 2

Guest - JW on Saturday, 14 June 2014 13:24

If you have a special needs child, multiply the pressure from other people by about fifty. Multiply the self-doubt by about ten. The good news is that Lee's advice still applies.

If you have a special needs child, multiply the pressure from other people by about fifty. Multiply the self-doubt by about ten. The good news is that Lee's advice still applies.
Guest - Assistant to The HomeScholar on Friday, 20 June 2014 02:50

Dear Jo,

You give such a thoughtful, but concise perspective! (And gracious too!)

Bless you!

Assistant to The HomeScholar

Dear Jo, You give such a thoughtful, but concise perspective! (And gracious too!) Bless you! Robin Assistant to The HomeScholar
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