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June Gold Care Club Update

The June Gold Care Club update is here! Find out what new classes are available for you to use in your homeschool.

How-To Training Courses

Quick Start: Homeschool High School Excellence
Beginner: Preparing to Homeschool High School - Live Convention Part 2/3
Intermediate: Junior Year
Advanced: Admission Policies Demystified
Encouragement: Creating Homeschool Balance

Members' Workshop - Recorded

Getting the Most Out of Your Homeschool this Summer
(Available June 20 – July 19)

Whether you homeschool during the summer or take a break, there are many ways to use the summertime for educational gain. Learn how a small investment of time each day this summer can pay big rewards next year!

This hands-on class will walk you step-by-step through summer and help you reset and refresh for the coming year. 

Login to the member page today to find the link.

Additional Monthly Benefits

Course Description: Biology
Schedule of the Month: Assignment Sheet - Summer School
Resource Pack: Keys to High School Success
Ebook of the Month: Keys to High School Success
The HomeScholar Library: All my latest articles from around the internet
Weekly Email Consultations: Taking your weekly consultation is easy with the priority email support via the members-only email address. You'll receive the member email in your welcome emails when you join!

Did You Know?

Did you know that you are able to cancel at any time simply by logging into the Members' Area of the website? When you hover over the Members' Area tab, you can click on "Manage Your Membership." Then simply follow the directions at the top of the page.

As always, feel free to email us at if you need help!

Already a Member?

Login to take these classes soon, before you forget! Take advantage of these resources between now and the 20th of June, when fresh resources will be available!

Not a member of the Gold Care Club? It's easy to sign up! Join The HomeScholar Gold Care Club. On the 20th of every month I update the content of the Gold Care Club. I offer current, fresh, helpful information for homeschooling parents at every stage.

Stay Informed

When you subscribe to the blog, we will send you an e-mail when there are new updates on the site so you wouldn't miss them.

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