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Put Your Weak Areas First in 4 Easy Steps

put your weak areas first

Put Your Weak Areas First in 4 Easy Steps

Your strengths come naturally to you, and will take care of themselves, but weaknesses don’t. Weak areas are avoided, possibly hated, definitely put on the back shelf in hopes everyone forgets them. But strengths aren't like that. If your child just loves art, then you’ll give Christmas presents that are art related, and they will be working on art every free moment. They may do so much art that they don’t have time for other things … such as math, for example. Strengths take care of themselves.

So here is what you need to do.

1. Determine your weak area

Your child may have a weakness in math. You may have a weakness in organization. Focus on weak areas – your child’s first, but also your own. Start by identifying problems. What is the weak area in your homeschool? Everyone has weaknesses. You aren't immune. Figure out what it is, so you can put it first.

2. Commit to putting first things first

Every homeschool parent has a subject they don’t understand, tolerate, like, or remember to teach. When you identify your weak area, you can do something about it! Once you have identified your weak subject, remember to put this subject first. Don't do too much, merely do it first so you can make sure it gets done.

3. Put your weak area first with your time

It’s the first thing your student does in the morning. It’s the one thing you make sure is done every single day. Even when a fabulous opportunity arrives, and all other homeschooling get put on the shelf, this is the one thing that gets done. You always take the time for it even when there is a field trip, activity, or eight-hour theater rehearsal that day.

4. Put your weak area first with your money

It’s the first curriculum you buy each year, and what you are willing to spend the most money on. It’s the only thing you will be sure to reinvest in if necessary. In other words, if you choose a curriculum and it doesn’t work, this is the area you will make a second purchase in – even within the first couple of months of school.


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