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[Free Class] The 12 Keys to High School Success

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Have you ever wished there was a free workshop called "How to Homeschool High School Without Going Bonkers?" There is! You are cordially invited to this free class. Sign up today, and learn how to retain your sanity with The 12 Keys to High School Success FREE workshop!

Join us September 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Join the class to learn the keys for dealing with homeschool stresses and worries. Those universal homeschool mom stressors that can incapacitate you with intense feelings of anxiety are "homeschool nutties." The homeschool nutties are always challenging, and they're made even more difficult if your battery is low, when you are already feeling drained. Having these KEYS in hand can make all the difference!

This upcoming workshop will provide you with the keys you need to charge your battery and help you overcome your particular homeschool nutty ... the keys that will give you the extra power (the ooomph!) to continue your journey to the summit that is high school graduation.

Join us September 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time

There are homeschool parents who can compete in the Tour de France while nursing their newborn and teaching their high-schoolers Advanced Latin but this class in NOT for them. This workshop IS for those mortal, human, sometimes frail and tired homeschoolers who truly want to do the best job possible preparing their children for college and life but could use a little extra boost. If this describes you, don't miss this free class that will refresh and empower you.

In this workshop you will learn 12 keys to high school success:

  • The keys to gaining confidence
  • The keys to the love of learning
  • The keys to choosing curriculum
  • The keys to success even with teens that have ever-changing situations

When you come to class, you will learn those keys so you can have the confidence to finish this Ironman journey of homeschooling high school!

Join us September 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time

When you register, you'll receive a downloadable workbook to keep your notes in. Attendees will also receive the free, downloadable ebook, How to Be a Better Home Educator. It's a super helpful, accessible book that will help you up your game! Please join our content-rich, free class. You are going to love it!

Join us September 30, 2021 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Don't let the homeschool nutties get you down, my friends. Join me for class so I can share solid strategies that will make homeschooling EASIER and MORE REWARDING for both you and your children. I look forward to seeing you in class!

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