Extraordinary Extracurricular Activities for Ordinary Teens
Engaging in fun and meaningful extracurricular activities beyond academics can be the best part of homeschooling high school. When not confined to a public school desk for many hours each day, children have time to discover and explore their passions! High school extracurricular activities are important, not only for the joy the experiences create, but also the impression they will leave with colleges and future employers. A list of high school extracurricular activities becomes part of a comprehensive college application package, and can be included on their resume for a job search. This will be a pretty handy list to have!
Create and Discover Extracurricular Activities
What are Extracurricular Activities?
Identifying Fun Extracurricular Activities
Family Evenings
Extracurricular Activities Can be Transcript Classes
Long-forgotten Extracurricular Activities
Student Teaching Extracurricular Activities
Volunteer Activities
The HomeScholar’s Humungous List of Extracurricular Activities from A-Z
Recommended Resources

In this class you'll learn why merit scholarships provide the most money. I'll teach you which college admission test is best, the SAT or ACT, and why. I'll show you how to make sure your child will stand out above the crowd, regardless of their gifts or challenges. You'll learn how to find a college that gives great scholarships, and the secrets to creating homeschool records that will reduce college costs.

The Comprehensive Record Solution will guide you every step of the way for the development, creation, and presentation of your student’s Comprehensive Record. It has everything I wished I had when I was putting my own records together. Let me help you make your journey toward homeschool high school success a little easier by giving you all the training, tools, templates, and support you need to create records that colleges will love.